Another Christmas From Hell (Neighbor from Hell #13)Another Christmas From Hell by R.L. Mathewson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bryce is determined to think that Cayley has been stalking him. It was simple thinking for him since she is his brothers best friend and everywhere he is she is. Unwilling to admit he might be wrong, that is after Cayley points out some facts of her own Bryce finds himself watching Cayley in a different light. Cayley though has moved across from his apartment and the Bradford curse with neighbors is out in full force. With a meddlesome brother, fear of falling hard for someone who could break their heart, nothing could go wrong could it?

I have always been a huge fan of this author and this series. Cayley and Bryce are meant to be. Filled with humor and then there is Sean, the brother and best friend. He is just horrible with his meddlesome ways even if it is for the best intentions. Terrific holiday story.

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